Frequently Asked Questions for Grantees

Fiscal Report Forms

Who can sign requests to Carry Forward Unexpended Funds, Change Approved Expenditures, and No-Cost Time Extensions?
These requests must be signed by both the Principal Investigator (PI) and the Contracts and Grants Official listed on the original grant application and submitted to the Program for review and approval. Approval letters are sent to the Contracts and Grants Official and copied to the PI.

When should I submit requests for Carry Forward of Unexpended Funds and No-Cost Time Extensions?
These requests are due 30 days prior to the end of the project period. Funds must be carried forward into the same budget category from which they originated, unless the change is less than 25% of the category or a Request to Change Approved Expenditures form [Microsoft Word] is submitted and approved.

Can I fax my request?
A faxed copy may be sent to notify the program of your request, however no action will be taken by the program to approve the request until the original, signed copy is received.

Is an Annual Progress Report required when a Request for No-Cost Time Extension is submitted?
If the extension is for more than 3 months an Annual Progress Report must accompany the request.

Are overdrafts allowed as a carry forward request?
Overdrafts are not allowed on any forms.

When should I submit Requests to Change Approved Expenditures?
Requests to Change Approved Expenditures [Microsoft Word] may be submitted at any time during the project period.

Can balances due the program be deducted from the final 20% that is owed the institution?
For non-UC grants, the balance to be returned to the program at the end of the grant will be deducted from the final 20% that is owed the institution.

Are revised fiscal reports acceptable?
Revised fiscal reports may not be accepted more than 90 days after the due date. Note that all fiscal reports are an official accounting of expenditures and must be signed by an authorized fiscal official at the institution. The officer's title, name, address and phone number must be printed on the report.

Where are fiscal reports located in the manual?
They are not included as a form with the manual. Each program will issue a preprinted fiscal report showing the current working budget for the related grant which will be mailed out to the Principal Investigator within 30 days prior to the due date, or upon request.

Why is the program's current budget figure different from the institution's?
The Special Research Programs' combine unexpended funds carried forward from prior years with the grant allocation for the current year. The total amount is the current year's budget.

Can adjustments be made to the fiscal report once all the requirements are satisfied and a grant is closed?
Once a grant is closed, all reports received are considered final and no fiscal adjustments are permitted.

When does a grant officially close?
A grant is closed once all of the scientific and fiscal reports have been received and approved and all funds have been disbursed or returned.

Progress Report Forms

Do I need to submit all eight Progress Report forms even if they are not applicable?
Yes. All eight forms must be received before a Progress Report can be reviewed and accepted. If the form is not applicable, please indicate "Not Applicable".

How do I request a change of Principal Investigator on my grant?
The request must be submitted in writing by your contracts and grants office and addressed to your grant officer.