California Collaborations in HIV Prevention Research Dissemination Project
HIV Prevention Program for Young Latino Mothers and Fathers

Reports on:
- HIV prevention for young Latino parents
- Insights and life views of young Latino fathers
- A culturally appropriate prevention intervention
- Collaboration between CBOs and academic researchers
- Insight in using qualitative research methods to inform intervention and study design
- Analysis of qualitative data from focus groups and key informant interviews
- Tools for an enhanced HIV prevention program
Download entire module [PDF]
- A: Phase 1 Focus Group Questions [Microsoft Word]
- B: Research Protocol Manual [Microsoft Word]
- C: Recruitment Flyer [Microsoft Word]
- D: Consent Forms [Microsoft Word]
- E: Screening Form [Microsoft Word]
- F: Locator Guide [Microsoft Word]
- G: Baseline Questionnaire: English | Spanish [Microsoft Word]
- H: Post-Test and Three-Month Follow-Up Questionnaire [Microsoft Word]
- I: Six-Month Follow-Up Questionnaire [Microsoft Word]
- J: Experimental Curriculum [Microsoft Word]
Principal Investigators
Deborah Koniak-Griffin
School of Nursing
Barbara Kappos
Bienvenidos Family Services
Bienvenidos Children’s CenterJerry Tello
National Latino Fatherhood and Family Institute
Bienvenidos Children’s Center
Janna Lesser
School of Nursing
Materials and information presented in Module 7 (UARP grants PC99-LA-2011) are produced by the Universitywide AIDS Research Program, University of California Office of the President, and may be freely used for HIV/AIDS prevention research activities. Appropriate citation is required in publications utilizing this module.