California Collaborations in HIV Prevention Research Dissemination Project

This Dissemination Project provides support for dissemination of  research findings and research materials to serve as a resource for California prevention providers. A series of 9 Modules focus on behavioral risk research, intervention outcome research, and translation research in California. The Research Summary series are systematic reviews of HIV/AIDS prevention interventions for people of color thorughout the United States.


Module coverThe modules represent collaboration at its best – research and community experts working together to meet challenges and achieve critical prevention and research goals.  The research modules describe projects that foucs on the delivery and content of interventions; they do not evaluate prevention intervention effectiveness. Materials used in the research projects (e.g. questionnaires, interview guides, marketing materials, intervention protocols and methods) are included with the modules. The modules are in PDF format and appendix materials from the modules are available in MS Word for easy downloading, printing and editing.

To learn more about communitive collaborative research, evaluation and guidelines on how to use the modules go to Guidance for Dissemination Modules [PDF]

  1. HIV/AIDS Behavioral Risk Research on African American Gay, Bisexual, and MSM
  2. The Los Angeles Transgender Health Study
  3. Youth Drug Injectors, Needle Exchange Use, and HIV Risk in San Francisco and Santa Cruz
  4. Strategies and Tools for Successful Implementation and Evaluation of an Evidence-based Intervention
  5. HIV Prevention Outreach Programs in Santa Barbara
  6. HIV/AIDS Prevention Intervention Among Urban, At-Risk African Americans
  7. HIV Prevention Program for Young Latino Mothers and Fathers
  8. Asian and Pacific Islander MSM HIV Prevention Evaluation Study
  9. Multi-Infection HIV Prevention Counseling and Testing Intervention

Research Summaries

Research Summary coverThe Research Summary series is composed of systematic reviews of HIV/AIDS prevention interventions for people of color throughout the United States. These comprehensive appraisals of existing prevention interventions are valuable contributions to the information available to California providers of HIV/AIDS prevention services. Materials are disseminated in print format, and in PDF format.

  1. Systematic Review of HIV Behavioral Prevention Research Among Heterosexual African Americans
  2. Systematic Review of Interventions to Prevent HIV Infection in MSM of Color
  3. Systematic Review of HIV Behavioral Prevention among Women of Color