California Collaborations in HIV Prevention Research Dissemination Project
The Los Angeles Transgender Health Study

Reports on:
- HIV seroprevalence and seroincidence
- Sexual risk factors
- Social and economic assessment
- Gender and sexual identity
- Profile of transgender population
- Practical research tools
- Specialized resources
Download entire module [PDF]
- About Module 2 Appendices [Microsoft Word]
- A: Baseline Quantitative Instrument [Microsoft Word]
- B: Interviewer Training [Microsoft Word]
- C: Locator Form [Microsoft Word]
- D: Follow-up Quantitative Instrument [Microsoft Word]
- E: Informed Consent Form [Microsoft Word]
- F: Spanish Version Baseline Quantitative Instrument [Microsoft Word]
- G: Spanish Version Locator Form [Microsoft Word]
- H: Follow-up Interview Protocol [Microsoft Word]
- I: Spanish Version Follow-up Quantitative Instrument [Microsoft Word]
Principal Investigators:
Materials and information presented in Module 2 (UARP grants PC97-HRA-202S and PC97-LAC-012L) are produced by the Universitywide AIDS Research Program, University of California Office of the President, and may be freely used for HIV/AIDS prevention research activities. Appropriate citation is required in publications utilizing this module.Cathy J. Reback
Van Ness Recovery HousePaul Simon
Los Angeles County Department of Health Services
HIV Epidemiology Program